Withdrawal of fraudulent alimony thanks to the services of a private detective

In a recent investigation carried out by a private detective in Barcelona, a case of withdrawal of alimony from a financially independent adult was successfully resolved.

Through the services of a private detective, specialised in this type of family case. It was possible to gather evidence that solidly demonstrated the economic independence of the son of the contracting party, who, while working, was unjustly profiting from the alimony that his father granted him.

Proving the capacity of the profiteer to support himself due to the ample benefits that his job guaranteed him. Facts that, supported by the reports made by the detective -where the fraudulence was exposed-. This led the judge to rule in favour of withdrawing the unjustified alimony.

Thanks to the detective’s meticulous and professional work, he was able to prevent his client from continuing to pay unjustified alimony. By simply hiring a private detective, the client was spared an enormous amount of money.

This case serves as an example of the importance of having a private detective. Because it simply offers an effective service, with guaranteed results, in the face of any type of falsehood or deception. In this sense, it is essential to rely on qualified professionals with experience in the sector.